Parent Volunteers: the Heart of NCP!
Northside loves parent volunteers, and we NEED you! Volunteering is an easy way to positively impact your student’s Northside experience and a great way to meet other engaged parents and staff.
We can help you find a volunteer opportunity that fits your time and interests. Friends of Northside asks every family to contribute 10 hours to Northside each year.
CPS Volunteer Requirements
According to CPS policy, anyone who is going to be in contact with students must be approved annually as a CPS volunteer. There are two levels of volunteers, Level 1 and Level 2.
Most Friends of Northside volunteer activity is Level 2, which simply requires the CPS application at link below and to take your ID in to the NCP office so they can make a copy.
Level 2 volunteers fill out the CPS application and then present their ID to the NCP office in person. Approval is quick.
Level 1 volunteers require background check and fingerprints and are typically for helping with coaching and overnight chaperoning and other activities where you are in contact with students more than 10 hours/week. Fill out the CPS application and follow instructions from there.
ALL VOLUNTEERS: Click and apply via CPS here
We encourage ALL parents to submit Level 2 approval ASAP so you are ready to go when we need you!
NCP Staff Charles Sell is the current NCP Volunteer Coordinator. After applying via the CPS website to become a volunteer, you must visit the school in person and show your ID.
Volunteer Opportunities
A few of our key events make up our major fundraising, which keeps NCP humming. Please consider joining one of these teams to help make the events and fundraising a success for NCP. FON Fundraising Events: It's a TEAM effort! Join the
Volunteer Opportunities
You can email an FON Board member to get plugged in or simply look for signups in the above list or in the weekly FON email. You can also indicate your interests in the FON Volunteer Interest form. New freshman parents, we encourage you to join us! |