What is Kato’s Corner?
- Kato’s Corner is a common pantry located in the NCP School Counseling Office for students when they need a snack, forget to buy a notebook, or run out of deodorant right before a big game! Sometimes Kato’s Corner will receive special requests from a student or a family with specific needs. Kato’s Corner is stocked with donations from Northside families and friends.
How and what can I donate to Kato’s Corner?
- Donations to Kato’s Corner are accepted throughout the year. Charitable gift registries are sometimes available at target.com and smile.amazon.com and reflect the current needs of Kato’s Corner. Donations can also be delivered to the main office in person to Ms Matthews. You may also make a monetary donation to FON for Kato's Corner here.
History of Kato’s Corner
- Kato’s Corner is named after Mrs. Erin Kato, a beloved member of the NCP Counseling Department. She was always there with whatever you needed, even when you didn’t know you needed it!
- In order to honor her memory, the NCP Counseling Department created a space where students could grab commonly needed items. Since its inception, this space has expanded and included additional items such as personal hygiene products and clothes
- In 2019, Kato's Corner was officially launched and continues to be in operation in the counseling office led by NCP Counselor, Ms. Katie Mathews, ever since. All students who need materials for school or home should feel free to stop by and grab what they need.
Please direct your questions to info@friendsofnorthside.org.